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[发布日期: 2023-11-17 浏览量 4948]
Under the background of global warming, many aspects of precipitation have already changed significantly, and projections indicate that they will continue to change in the future. However, previous studies mainly focused on changes in other characteristics of precipitation, with less emphasis on its seasonality. In fact, understanding precipitation seasonality change and the associated mechanism at regional scale is crucial for mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
Therefore, based on historical simulations and projections under two scenarios of SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 provided by 32 models from the CMIP6, we investigate the future precipitation seasonality changes over China by two indices, the dimensionless seasonality index (DSI) and the relative seasonality index (SI), and the associated physical mechanisms by moisture budget diagnosis. The results show that relative to the baseline period 1995−2014, the DSI is enhanced across almost all of China during the period 2081−2100, with stronger magnitudes in southeastern China and the southern Tibetan Plateau and weaker magnitudes in northwestern China, and national-mean enhancements are 15% (7%−21%) and 23% (15%−29%) for the multimodel median (25th−75th percentile range across models) under the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, respectively. Projected SI changes show large regional differences, with decreases in northern China and increase in southern China, leading to little change for the national mean. The DSI and SI changes are associated with uneven distributions of changes in absolute amounts and relative proportions of precipitation among seasons, respectively. Further analysis reveals that the contributions of different moisture budget terms to precipitation changes vary across seasons, resulting in changes in the seasonal distribution of precipitation and thus the DSI and SI changes. Specifically, the thermodynamic component of vertical moisture advection primarily determines the greater magnitude of increased precipitation in summer than in winter in most of China, resulting in the DSI change. The reduction in residual term dominates the diminished winter precipitation in southern China, leading to more precipitation concentrated in summer for given annual precipitation and thus the intensification in SI, while the opposite holds true in northern China.
图:多模式集合中位数模拟的1995−2014年中国降水季节性指数(a,d)及其在2081−2100年的变化(b−c,e−f):(a−c)为无量纲季节性指数DSI,(d−f)为相对季节性指数SI;(b,e)为SSP2-4.5情景,(c,f)为SSP5-8.5情景。右上角数值代表中国区域平均值,斜线区表示70%以上模式结果与多模式集合中位数变化符号一致,(e,f)中紫色和红色矩形框分别表示中国北部(32°N−42°N, 100°E−120°E)和南部(22°N−32°N, 100°E−120°E)
Hu, D., Z. Tian, X. Lang, and D. Jiang, 2023: Regional difference in precipitation seasonality over China from CMIP6 projections. International Journal of Climatology, 43, 6179–6190.