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[发布日期: 2023-10-18 浏览量 3189]



The global climate model is a complex system used for describing the atmosphere, land surface, ocean, sea ice components, and their interactions. It has been widely applied to investigate climate change and its associated mechanisms. However, there are still deficiencies in current models for surface air temperature (SAT) simulations. In past decades, many studies have shown prevalent SAT cold biases over China in most models, while the related mechanisms remain unknown. The underlying cause for insufficient simulation is a hot topic of research.

Based on the state-of-the-art models, we investigate the causes of the cold biases over China from the perspective of a surface energy budget. The results indicate that the deficiency of downward clear-sky longwave radiation simulation due to the bias of atmospheric states is the primary reason, and the cold biases induced by surface albedo and sensible heat flux vary among regions and seasons.

1  1979−2014年中国区域平均的模式与CN05/再分析之间的地表气温偏差(d_SAT)及相关项(单位:℃)。这些项包括,由地表反照率反馈偏差(d_SAF),晴空地表向下短波(d_Sclr)和长波(d_Fclr)辐射偏差,地表云辐射强迫偏差(d_CRF),地表热通量偏差[d_(H+LE)],地表储热偏差(d_Q)和残差项偏差(Res)引起的地表气温偏差(d_SAT)。d_CRF可以进一步分解为云短波(d_Scld)和长波(d_Fcld)强迫偏差,d_(H+LE)包括感热(d_H)和潜热(d_LE)偏差。箱体的顶部和底部分别代表上四分位值(第75百分位)和下四分位值(第25百分位)。箱体外的上/下虚线分别表示31个模式中的最大/小值,箱体的中间线代表多模式集合平均值。黑色、蓝色、紫色、绿色和粉色分别表示年平均、冬季、春季、夏季和秋季的值。


Wang, L., Liu, Z., Lang, X., & Jiang, D. (2023). Understanding surface air temperature cold bias over China in CMIP6 models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2023JD039515.