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[发布日期: 2023-09-07 浏览量 3593]





The eastern China summer precipitation (ECSP) exhibits interdecadal variation and is related with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). However, this relationship is based on limited instrumental data. In addition, whether this linkage at present is applicable in the further remains unclear. Thus, we need to investigate the joint impacts of the AMO and PDO on the ECSP under past different climate backgrounds, to deepen our understanding of the interdecadal variations of eastern China summer precipitation and to better cope with the challenging environment of the future.

In this study, we use simulations from five climate models to investigate the joint impacts of the AMO and PDO on the interdecadal variations in the ECSP under past warmer (i.e., the Medieval Climate Anomaly; MCA) and colder backgrounds (i.e., the Little Ice Age; LIA). The multimodel mean indicates that the ECSP anomalies under the four combined AMO and PDO phases differ between the MCA and the LIA. During the MCA, the meridional wave train induced by the PDO-related convective heating over the northwestern Pacific is dominant and the zonal wave train related to the AMO is secondary. Deficient precipitation appears over South China in both PDO+ phases and vice versa. Meanwhile, most areas north of the Yangtze River valley feature positive anomalies in the PDO+/AMO+ phase but deficits in the PDO+/AMO– phase. In comparison, the Huanghe–Huaihe River valley and southern Northeast China receive excessive and deficient precipitation in the PDO–/AMO+ and PDO–/AMO– phases, respectively. During the LIA, the zonal wave train induced by the AMO locates more southeastward than that during the MCA and has an overwhelming impact on the ECSP. Specifically, excessive ECSP exists over Northeast China and South China in both AMO+ phases and vice versa. Moreover, precipitation between the two regions is excessive when the PDO is in phase with the AMO but deficient when they are out of phase.

1 中世纪异常期,AMO及PDO对中国东部夏季降水协同影响的示意图。红色和蓝色阴影区分别表示暖海温和冷海温;绿色和黄色阴影区分别代表降水偏多和偏少;带箭头的棕色曲线表示风向;带箭头的金色曲线表示大气遥相关波列;实线圈和点线圈分别表示与AMO和PDO有关的环流异常,虚线圈表示受其协同影响的环流异常。

2 同图1,但为小冰期的影响示意图。


Ge, Y., Miao, J., Lang, X., Si, D., & Jiang, D. (2023). Combined impacts of the Pacific decadal oscillation and Atlantic multidecadal oscillation on summer precipitation in eastern China during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(16), 1–22.