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[发布日期: 2023-03-30 浏览量 2830]
The stratospheric aerosol injection geoengineering (stratospheric geoengineering, SG) is a solar radiation modification method to increases planetary albedo by injecting aerosol particles or their precursors (such as SO2) into the stratosphere, and then cool the Earth. So far, global warming has become increasingly severe. The SG technology has attracted much attention in the climate change field. Although scientists have discussed the possible global climate impacts of SG based on simulations, the research focusing on the East Asian climate is still few.
In this study, we investigated the impact and mechanism of the tropical SG on the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) by using CMIP6 multi-model experiment. Our results show that the SG significantly strengthens the EAWM system in the late 21st century, which is obviously seen from the strengthened Siberian high, the intensified and southward shifted Aleutian low, the enhanced low-level northerly winds along the coast of East Asia and the deepened East Asian trough. Further analysis indicates that the SG-induced strong cooling and anomalous descending motion in the central-equatorial Pacific excites a poleward-propagating Rossby wave, strengthening the EAWM circulation. Meanwhile, the negative vorticity advection in the middle troposphere and the radiative cooling over the Siberian high region caused by SG also intensify the EAWM.
图1 2080–2099年G6sulfur试验中冬季(a)气温、(b)降水、(c)海平面气压、(d)850 hPa风场、(e)500 hPa相对涡度和(f)300 hPa纬向风气候态相对于SSP5-8.5变化的模式集合平均结果。斜线和阴影区域表示至少5/6的单一模式同模式集合平均符号一致。
Liu ZC, Lang XM, Miao JP, Jiang DB (2023). Impact of stratospheric aerosol injection on the East Asian winter monsoon. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102109.